Executive Committee
The Scout organisation is one that we choose for our children to belong to – unlike school. All of the leaders give their time to our children without pay and it is not just the weekly meetings. Many weekends are given up for First Aid training, running activities and camps. The leaders are very committed to our children and in return they need your support.
The Executive Committee made up of parents is an integral and essential part of our group; we are not allowed to operate without one. It exists to support the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of their appointment, maintaining the Group Headquarters, ensuring that the minibus is in working order, fundraising and to allow the leaders to concentrate on running their sections.
The Executive Committee meet with the leaders four to six times a year, usually at Scout Hut or a local pub on a Wednesday evening. The meetings are run with the aid of an agenda and minutes are taken. However, they are informal and sociable. The input of a parent on the committee is invaluable to ensure that the committee represents the views and ideas of all parents’ families.
The committee is responsible for:
· Maintenance of the Group’s property and equipment
· Raising of funds and the administration of the Group’s finance
· Insurance of person, property and equipment
· Group public occasions
· Assisting with the recruitment of leaders and other adult support
· Organising social events
Our Current Executive
The group is a charity, and key members of the committee become trustees of the charity during their period of service. Without any trustees, we cannot legally function. The key roles are:
Group Chair – Maggie Vivian
Group Treasurer – David Kershaw
Group Secretary – Fiona Cain
In addition, we have two parent representatives for each section:
Beavers – [Vacant], [Vacant]
Cubs – Toby Kiddle, James Aitken
Scouts – Jo Coles, Michael Blakelock
Hall bookings are handled by Sheila O’Loughlin
You can contact the Executive Committee on chair@13thtwickenhamscouts.org.